Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Friends and Blessings

“Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think.  It's splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world.” 

~ Anne of Green Gables

I just wanted to take a minute to share with you how much God has been blessing me through other people this week!

Wednesday, I spent a wonderful afternoon with my friend Emily--we just sat in my "living room," listening to music and coloring. We didn't even need to talk, and it was lovely just relaxing and enjoying each other's company. An hour ago she sent me a lovely message on Facebook, just to say that she was thinking about me and missed seeing me today.

Friday, I checked my mailbox to discover a letter from Theresa Lewis at Cedarville! We were able to skype on Sunday, and it was such a blessing to catch up and hear how God is working in her life in Ohio!

Saturday evening I had a lovely time with my friend Kathryn in her dorm room--it was so nice to get away from all the big groups and just have some one-on-one time! We talked, watched a scary movie, drank tea, and shared life together. The next night, she and Lauren and I got dinner at Panera, and had a wonderful time, as we always do!

Flowers from Brook, in my dorm room

On Sunday night I was feeling rather homesick and overwhelmed with college life, and my friend Brook gave me a lovely note and graham crackers and listened to me when i just needed someone to talk to.  The next day she presented me with a bouquet of fresh flowers in a vase for my dorm room! She lives down the hall and is in my Torrey group, and she never ceases to encourage me and put a smile on my face!

My friend Nathan took the time at lunch yesterday to ask me how I was and then prayed for me, and since I wasn't feeling 100% I really appreciated the thoughtfulness.

Last night, my friend Paige randomly gave me a handwritten letter just to express her thankfulness for our friendship and to encourage me with a Bible verse. She is truly so sweet.

To top it off, I had a truly delightful and restorative evening tonight. I went with some of the girls on my floor to a Christmas shoebox stuffing party for Operation Christmas Child put on by the Associated Student Government of Biola. There were about 30 college students, a few families, and some older people from the community. We heard testimonies from two speakers and then enjoyed food, Christmas music, meeting new people, and filling shoeboxes with presents for children! I made seven! It was exactly what I needed, and I stayed 3 and a 1/2 hours!! I had been feeling a little homesick and stir crazy--being stuck with a bunch of 18-22 year-olds gets tiring pretty quickly, and I longed for a little taste of home and community, which I found tonight. No matter how I feel at any given moment, I know that I am truly where God has called me to be, and no matter how much I miss my family and friends from home, He has certainly surrounded me with incredibly caring and nurturing friends. I love Biola!

Love to you all!

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