Sunday, October 6, 2013

Happy October!

"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers..." ~ Anne of Green Gables

Happy Fall from sunny California!! Here's a photo recap of my adventures from the past two months!

First of all, these are some photos of my wonderful Torrey Honors cohort, Ignatius. There are fourteen of us, and these people have truly become my family during theses two months. 

We slowed the exposure time on a camera and used our cell phones to spell out the name of our group while we were at the beach at night this weekend! I'm the second "I." We spent this weekend at Hannah's house for an "Ignatius" retreat, which was so incredibly fun and full of meaningful conversations, bonding, laughter, music, and not very much sleep.
This is the first picture of all of us, and it was taken the third day of Torrientation! We were the blue team, and we got 3rd place at Game Night :)

Some Ignations looking classy at the Academic Commencement Dinner for all freshman!

The second week of school, all the Torrey freshman had a movie night to watch "O Brother Where Art Thou," a George Clooney spoof on Homer's Odyssey. We were told to dress up like old people...Oh, and I'm the one on the right with the beard. 
So here at Biola, we have these things called "GYRADs" (Get Your Roomate A Date),  so I went with Micah's hall and all their dates into LA to the Museum of Jurassic Technology and then to dinner in downtown LA. 
Getting ready to leave for our retreat this past weekend!

We stopped at Chick-fil-A because it's so delicious (get the grilled chicken, bacon, and jack cheese sandwich with honey mustard sauce...mmmmm). Also, Jayden goes to Worldview Academy in Arizona!
At Dana Point with my dear friend Kathryn...she's the Diana to my Anne. 
All of Ignatius at the beach for the retreat, minus Rachel who couldn't come.  

The next photos are from the Chorale retreat from a couple of weeks ago at Idlewild Pines. I am so blessed to be a part of this incredible choir, which has sung in Carnegie Hall and on the Jay Leno show in previous years! We'll be traveling to South Korea for 12 days during spring break, all expenses paid! 

The entire chorale, with our director Dr. Stewart in the middle row, far left!

The sopranos from chorale! 

My two best chorale friends, Sairi (from Japan!) and Sarie.  We were having fun pretending to be models. 
This next photo is from the CSP (California School Project) retreat two weekends ago. This is the ministry that I'm involved in, and I'm so stoked for what God is going to do through it and through me this year! My partner Josh and I will be going to Polytechnic High School every week to mentor the high school leaders of the Bible Club, and to help them plan outreach events and witness to students! 
CSP with our "Outreach Guides"--the book that tells us how to plan rallies and do witnessing the CSP way.

 Finally, these last photos are from my dorm life! I live in Hope, on the 3rd floor south, called Legacy. 

My roommate Josie and I rearranged our room last week and decided to make a living room in one corner!

Gustave and Pascal, my two favorite chameleons. (Gustave is a tape dispenser, Pascal is a stuffed animal from the Disney princess movie Tangled.
Our room, lit up by the Christmas lights.
BBQ with our brother floor! Oh, and that's my roommate Josie on the right :)

California waves! I got a bit thrashed, but it was so worth it.

A couple of weeks ago, my friends and I walked to a church on Sunday that's near Biola, and right across from the church were parked three vintage cars! I wanted to get a picture in front of this one, but the owner let me sit in the car for the picture! Ahhhh I love blue cars!

Love to you all! 
~ Charlotte

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